École Famille Éducation Intégrale

Integral Personalized Support
Encourage students to know themselves, to accept themselves and to improve themselves
International Formation
Pursue of academic excellence of the student in French, English and Spanish
Community & Collaboration
We believe in building a united school community based on collaboration and mutual support.
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About Azobé


That each student achieves the best version of him so they can have a bright future with good profesional opportunities so they can acheive wathever they want.


That they know how to understand and function in a global world, being able to think rigorously and express themselves with solvency in Spanish, English and French.


To acquire habits and virtues that make them mature and happy. Accompanying him in his growth, with love, respect, discipline and Christian values.


To have the experience of feeling deeply loved by Jesus Christ. Catholic and trilingual charter school in Yaoundé. Includes trilingual nursery.

Our Pilars

Academic Excelence

"Excellent people, excellent students."
We motivate and accompany our students in the acquisition of those competencies and skills that help them to reach their best version.

International Formation

"French, English and Spanish"
Our students finish their schooling with a command of our three languages (French, Spanish and English) and with the necessary preparation to function in a globalized world.

Catholic Formation

"We educate by evangelizing and evangelize by educating"
Our students get to know Jesus and are formed in Christian values, living their faith with joy.

Main Advantadges

Quality trigingue teaching

  • 60% of the subjects are in French
  • 40% of the subjects are in English
  • And Spanish as third language

Christian education

A comprehensive training program based on christian values and virtue courses

A school made for families

A familiar school that involves and guides the parents so that education continues at home

Personalized student attention

Personalized follow-up of each student facilitated by small numbers and dedicated staff

Our Teachers

Gakoue Paulin


Yasse Yves

Pedagogue, French teacher

Ayiseh Cédric

English teacher

Samnick Samuel

Spanish teacher

Tematio Christian

Secretary and accountant

Kentsa Farias


Nguiffo Christian

Sports teacher

Mvindi Laurent

French teacher

Ngneghu Paul

French teacher

Idris Djomo

Head of fourmation and French teacher

Issemou Jean Michel

English teacher

Emole Bertrand

English teacher

Admission Process

Primary School

The application form will be open from May 15 to August 15.
To request the form, please contact
1 – Information form ( below)
2- Tel: +237 699 61 55 64 / +237 678 764 013
3 – Email: [email protected]

Once the school has been contacted and the admission form has been filled out, an interview will be arranged with the parents.

After the interview, if positive, the new student will be admitted to the school.

Total tutition: 225.000 FCFA and pre-registration: 25.000 FCFA

Collegé School

The application form will be open from May 15 to August 15.
To request the form, please contact
1 – Information form ( below)
2- Tel: +237 699 61 55 64 / +237 678 764 013
3 – Email: [email protected]

Fees: 5.000 FCFA

Once the school has been contacted and the admission form has been filled out, an interview will be arranged with the parents.

The future student will take a bilingual test to check the french and english level

Total tutition: 270.000 FCFA and pre-registration: 25.000 FCFA

Admission Information Request

Why Us? Watch Now




Outdoor learning and tending to our school garden is a big part of our day emotional growth and self.


This age group is playing their way to greater independence, socio- emotional growth and self


Children in this classroom are working on forging social skills through collaboration emotional growth and self

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